Take a look at all that’s coming up…

Life Groups

Life Groups

This month life groups are starting back and we could not be more excited! We believe that life change happens through relationships. These groups provide you with a place to connect (1 Cor. 9:22), protect (1 John 3:16), and grow (Proverbs 27:17).

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Worship Nights

Worship Nights

Worship Nights take place the last Wednesday of every month. These nights are set aside to just worship. Our mission is to sing raw, unfiltered, genuine praise to the One who, alone, is worthy of praise. It’s nothing weird, just worship.

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David Huskey Ministers

David Huskey Ministers

We are thrilled to announce that David Huskey, a long time friend of DCF, will be speaking on Sunday, January 26th at 10:30. Come ready to hear a special word and encounter God. Mark your calendars and invite your friends! We can’t wait to see you there!

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Christmas Eve Communion

Christmas Eve Communion

It is easy to get distracted by all of the events and bustle that comes with the holiday season. So much so that it’s possible to lose focus of what Christmas is truly all about. The presents and gatherings are all nice, but the most amazing gift was the birth of our Savior. On Christmas Eve, from 3 to 5, we have a sweet time between pastors and your family as we take communion, refocus, and reflect on the purpose of Jesus’ birth. This is a come-and-go event, so you can show up at whatever time works best for you. We would love to celebrate with you and share in this special moment.

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Christmas Candlelight Service

Christmas Candlelight Service

Find true hope, true joy, and true love, as we honor the real reason for Christmas. On Sunday, December 22nd at 10:30, we hope you will join us for a special candlelight service as we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus.

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Men's Dinner

Men's Dinner

Calling all men!

If you are a guy, looking for community with some other guys, and want to eat some great food, this is for you! Hosted by Brad Long, on Friday, December 13th at 6:30, there will be an all guys dinner in the Family Life Center! So bring some food, and an outdoor gift, stop by, chat, and connect!

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Ladies Ornament Party

Ladies Ornament Party

It is that time of year, once again! The Ladies’ Ornament Party is Friday, December 6th at 7pm! This is a classic event, where ladies are invited to bring their best ornament, finger food, and game face. At this annual show down, true colors are revealed, trust is broken, families turn against one another, all for the sake of THE Ornament. If you know, you know… You don’t want to miss this DCF staple! So bring a friend, and let’s have some fun!

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Deck The Halls

Deck The Halls

Put on your sweatpants and roll up your sleeves because it’s time to eat snacks and decorate!

It’s that time of the year again! Christmas is right around the corner and on Tuesday, November 26th, we are going to make the church building FESTIVE! We invite you to bring your favorite sweet or savory holiday snack for all of the pre-decorating festive fellowship festivities that start at 5:30. This is a great opportunity to get to know your church family, while also getting to serve your church and help prep for one of the most wonderful times of the year! We would love to feast with you, and get to know you better! So bring your friends for a fun night of food, fellowship, and decor!

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DCF Turkey Bowl

DCF Turkey Bowl

Calling all youth groups! On Saturday, November 23rd, starting at 8:15, DCF will be hosting a community flag football game! This event is open to all youth groups. The top three winners will be awarded trophies. The rules are the same as NFL Flag Football rules. Churches do not have a limit on teams, however each team must pay $50. So come hang out, have some fun, and get to know more believers in your community!

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Worship Night

Worship Night

Worship Nights take place the last Wednesday of every month. These nights are set aside to just worship. Our mission is to sing raw, unfiltered, genuine praise to the One who, alone, is worthy of praise. It’s nothing weird, just worship.

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Volunteer Fun Night

Volunteer Fun Night

Attention all volunteers! We have got something special just for YOU! This upcoming Volunteer Fun Night is going to be GAME NIGHT! Where we will have video games on giant screens, board games, card games, along with some classic games…but make them life-sized. We will also be having a Thanksgiving-style dinner, provided by the church. Every quarter we want to celebrate our Serve Team and make time to hangout with each other, get to know everyone better, and above all just have fun. This event is just a way to appreciate you guys for all that you do, and make you feel like the rockstars that you are! So bring your fam and let’s have some fun!

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Join us for this year’s CANDYPALOOZA on Wednesday, October 30th, featuring decorated cars, inflatables, a food truck, along with lots and lots of candy!

CANDYPALOOZA is one of our favorite events all year and is always LOADS of fun.  This year will be no exception. With a hayride, trunk or treat, larger than life inflatables, and more candy than is advisable by the American Dental Association, what excuse would you have NOT to come?!  But it’s not just for the kiddos. Parents can join in the fun by decorating their cars for our annual Trunk-Or-Treat “Coolest Trunk” contest…because there will be an award for the coolest car!  And this year, we’re adding even more to love!  Craving that one of a kind fair food minus all the sketchy rides?  Well have we got some great news for you! This year, we’re bringing in the Carnival Cravings food truck! This event is open to everyone, and we could not be more excited! So bring a freind and have double the fun!

Enter your car into our Trunk-r-Treat competition by clicking the button below!

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Men's Fish Fry

Men's Fish Fry

Calling all men!

If you are a guy, looking for community with some other guys, and want to eat some great food, this is for you! Hosted by Brad Long, on Friday, September 27th at 6:30, there will be an all guys fish fry in the Family Life Center! Stop by, chat, enjoy some great food, and connect!

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to Aug 2


We could not be more pumped for Kid's Bash 2024!! This year's theme will be...(*drumroll*)...CAMP CREATION!!!

Below are a few details you may want to remember:


  • Thursday, August 1

  • Friday, August 2.




  • 8:30 BOTH NIGHTS


  • YES! We want to remove all the pre-game pressure and hustle and bustle that can make getting everyone ready to be somewhere on time ...well, a little crazier than necessary (we're parents, too - we get it! 😊 ). So, both nights, dinner is served!


  • No! Kid's Bash always has been and always will be a totally free event.

Kid's Bash is a high-energy, super-engaging, life-changing event geared towards kids from Kindergarten thru 7th Grade. There will be lots of moving lights, fog machines, loud music and a couple of snarky puppets. We are SO grateful and SO EXCITED about what God will be speaking to this generation on these two nights.

Please fill out the registration form below so we can be on the lookout for your adventurer!

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Food Truck Sunday

Food Truck Sunday

Do you like good food? Do you want to get to know your church family better? If you answered “yes,” then Food Truck Sunday is the place to be on June 30th! Immediately following church, J.J.’s West Coast Tacos Food Truck AND The Street Kitchen Food Truck will be on the property ready to handle your whole family’s lunch order. This is a great opportunity to bond with people in your church community over amazing food! See you there ;)

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Worship Nights

Worship Nights

Worship Nights take place the last Wednesday of every month. These nights are set aside to just worship. Our mission is to sing raw, unfiltered, genuine praise to the One who, alone, is worthy of praise. It’s nothing weird, just worship.

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Serve Team Fun Night

Serve Team Fun Night

We are excited and gearing up for our Serve Team Fun Night, taking place on Friday, June 21st, in the FLC. If you serve in any capacity, this event is for you and your whole family! This quarter’s Serve Team Fun Night will be a special movie night-themed party. In addition to an awesome movie, there will be a taco bar, popcorn station, and all of your favorite movie candies…and it’s all for FREE! Bring the whole crew, as this night is going to be packed full of fun for everyone and we cannot wait to share it with you!

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DCF Summer Kickoff

DCF Summer Kickoff

We are excited about the DCF Summer Kickoff happening right after service on May 26th! We will be having a potluck picnic and dessert auction, helping to raise money for The Link Students to attend Motion Conference 2024. We will also be having fun games like cornhole, flag football, and kickball! Spending time with your church family and eating good food is one of the best ways to get summer started the right way!

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Ladies Retreat
to Apr 27

Ladies Retreat

Join us for our 2024 Ladies Retreat! This year we will be in Mentone, Alabama again, from Thursday, April 25 - Saturday, April 27.

Just like last year, this retreat is an opportunity to hit “pause” on our daily rhythms and gather together to be encouraged, equipped, and strengthened as we are quiet, still, restful, and willing to draw close to hear the voice of God, growing closer to Him as we grow closer together.

We know there is so much to coordinate as we prepare for something like this time together, from saving up for the cost - $150 per person - to carpooling, childcare, and possibly having to take a vacation day. We want to encourage you to give all your concerns to Jesus, embrace all that He has waiting for you, and join in by:

Praying for this time together, that we will be able to hear the voice of God as we press into His presence and His hand will be upon this getaway and lives will be changed for the better!

Register early to ensure your spot - space is limited!

Invite a friend and encourage other ladies to join in.

We are so excited to return to the mountains of Mentone and expect God to speak and move during this getaway! Hope to see you all there!

“Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us” (Phil. 3:13-14).

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Resurrection Day

Resurrection Day

“He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as He said would happen” (Matthew 28:6). Join us Sunday, March 31st, for a life-changing day, where we remember the greatest day of all time - when Jesus rose from the dead. Come celebrate the risen savior with us, and find out why this is the greatest day ever! The fun starts at 10:30am, see you there.

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Good Friday

Good Friday

Join us this Good Friday, March 29th, at 6:30pm as we remember the day Jesus gave up His life on the cross. Rev. Michael Crenshaw has a special message prepared and we are excited to see all that God has in store.

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Worship Nights

Worship Nights

Worship Nights take place the last Wednesday of every month. These nights are set aside to just worship, and this month’s Worship Nights could not have had better timing, taking place during Holy Week. Our mission is to sing raw, unfiltered, genuine praise to the One who, alone, is worthy of praise. It’s nothing weird, just worship.

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Worship Nights

Worship Nights

Worship Nights take place the last Wednesday of every month. These nights are set aside to just worship. Our mission is to sing raw, unfiltered, genuine praise to the One who, alone, is worthy of praise. It’s nothing weird, just worship.

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Deck The Halls

Deck The Halls

Put on your sweatpants and roll up your sleeves because it’s time to eat snacks and decorate!

It’s that time of the year again! Christmas is right around the corner and on Tuesday, November 21, we are going to make the church building FESTIVE! We invite you to bring your favorite sweet or savory holiday snack for all of the pre-decorating festive fellowship festivities. . This is a great opportunity to get to know your church family, while also getting to serve your church and help prep for one of the most wonderful times of the year! We would love to feast with you, and get to know you better! So bring your friends for a fun night of food, fellowship, and decor!

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Ryan and Ragan's Life Group

Ryan and Ragan's Life Group

Are you looking for a way to connect with your church family, while also growing your relationship with God? Then this tailgate-themed life group is just for you! Ryan and Ragan’s life group is designed to promote growth and connection between people who are seeking Jesus and seeking community because nobody should walk alone in life. You are welcome to bring snack foods, that go along with the tailgate theme. It is going to be a great time filled who football, food, and community. We would love to see you there!

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Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

Hey men! If you are looking for an easy way to get connected, why not do it over breakfast? With all of the breakfast foods you could imagine, you won’t want to miss this upcoming Men’s Dinner! You are welcome to bring drinks, desserts, or sides. Mark your calendars and bring a friend for great food, great Word, and great friendships.

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Fall Family Picnic

Fall Family Picnic

Trunk-r-Treat? Cornhole Tournament? Inflatables? Hayride? Cook-Off Competitions? AND a Bonfire?? Don’t miss this fun-filled night packed full of FREE candy and PRIZES! The fun starts at 4:00PM with a Chili Cook-off, along with Dessert and Cornbread Competitions, in which the three winners of these categories gets a MAJOR AWARD! Let’s not forget the Cornhole Tournament, with the prize being a homemade carrot cake made by THE Ms. Sheila! Along with three inflatables - one being an AXE THROWING inflatable - and hayrides for everybody! At 6:00PM the Trunk-r-Treat begins, where we are having yet ANOTHER competition based on who has the BEST DECORATED trunk, and the winner gets an awesome trophy - plus bragging rights all year…Don’t miss this awesome night full of fun for everyone!

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Men's Dinner

Men's Dinner

Hey men! If you are looking for an easy way to get connected, why not do it over dinner? With patty melts and reuben sandwiches, you won’t want to miss this upcoming Men’s Dinner! You are welcome to bring drinks, desserts, or sides. Mark your calendars and bring a friend for great food, great Word, and great friendships.

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40th Anniversary Celebration
to Sep 10

40th Anniversary Celebration

In celebration of 40 years of ministry at DCF, we are hosting a week packed full of speakers and ministers, who were a part of DCF’s history from day 1. We expect God to do amazing things through this week and through these ministers, and we want YOU to be a part of it! Come expecting and ready to experience powerful worship and spirit-lead messages!

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Men's Fellowship

Men's Fellowship

Are you a man? If you said, “yes,” we would love to invite you to our Men’s Fellowship on August 25th at 6:00pm! This is a great opportunity to get to know the guys at DCF and talk about Jesus. If you are looking to grow your relationship with Christ and grow your relationships with people at DCF, this is a great way to do such. Be there…if you’re a man!

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